
Proactive Winter Horse/Donkey/Mule Care

Proactive Winter Horse/Donkey/Mule Care

Winter in this country is a beast. As I write this, we are into our 4th blast of snowy and cold weather already this fall (did I count right?), and it seems that winter is already well on its way to settling in. So a blogpost about proactive winter horse care may already seem a little past tense, but if you’re like me and living in denial that summer is already well past and fall quickly disappearing, you will have a few horse health care items to check off your list!

Nasty Little Parasites - An Update on Deworming

Nasty Little Parasites - An Update on Deworming


The staff of Burwash Equine Services, Ltd. enjoyed an evening of education last night courtesy of Vetoquinol and Dr. Ela Misuno.  Dr. Misuno is a board certified internist with an interest in parasitology and the problem of emerging resistance in this field.  She gave a fantastic presentation with all of the latest updates and recommendations for deworming our equine friends.  I have summarized her recommendations below.

Parasite Control Recommendations

Parasite Control Recommendations

Parasite control needs to be tailored to your horse’s specific needs, taking into consideration age, immune status/individual susceptibility, time of year, and management practices.  The following are basic recommendations that can be further tailored to suit your horse’s specific needs.

MATURE HORSES (>3 years old)

  • Small strongyles (cyathostomins) are the main parasite of mature horses, and these parasites are developing resistance to commonly used dewormers.

  • Horses vary in their susceptibility to small strongyles, and can be classified as Low, Medium, or High shedders based on fecal egg counts (FECs).