Dr. Sarah Thomas, DVM

Dr. Thomas is a current associate at Burwash Equine.

Dr. Sarah Thomas grew up in Calgary, Alberta and horses have been her favourite animal for as long as she can remember!  She started riding as a child and was an instructor for five summers at a horseback riding camp.  In pursuit of her career goal to become a veterinarian, Dr. Thomas completed a Bachelor of Science in Animal Bioscience from the University of Saskatchewan in 2018. During this degree, she worked with many animal species in clinic and farm settings.

Dr. Thomas received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan in the spring of 2022.  She then completed a year long internship at Burwash to focus her skills in equine practice. Dr. Thomas has a special interest in dentistry, and nothing makes her happier than seeing a tooth extraction on the schedule.

Outside of veterinary medicine, she enjoys hiking, horseback riding, camping, reading, and travelling.